The Snake Island

Wednesday 20 August 2014

The Golden Lancehead Viper

Golden Lancehead Viper

The golden lancehead viper was known as the most dangerous snake on earth where it can kill their prey less an hour and it also can melt human flesh. Golden lancehead viper (Bothrops insularis) as one of the dangerous species of pit viper and it most poisonous snakes on earth, meanwhile this snakes are often found in the forest that are not uninhabited by people and mostly it active during the day to find their prey.

Futhermore, to notice golden lancehead viper is the snakes has a yellowish brown colour on its underside skin and it grows to an average length of 28 inches which is 70 centimetres but it can reach a maximum of 46 inches (118 centimetres). Diet of these snakes in forest is bird because this snakes able to climb the trees in search of birds, meanwhile it can feed scorpion, lizard and other snakes to survive.

Golden Lancehead viper
 Other than that, the bite from golden lancehead viper are five times more toxic than other snake and it's carried a seven percent chance to death, only three percent can survive if they get immediately treatment. the symptom from his bite is swelling, pain, vomiting, blood blisters, kidney failure and intestinal bleeding.

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