The Snake Island

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Statistic Population of snakes

Golden Lancehead Viper

Population of golden lancehead in the island become increasing by time and it most 2000 – 4000 snakes on the island and one of the largest population densities of any snake species. Based on the researchers, nature on the island has made these species growth rapidly because it consist bare rocky, open grassy areas and lowland rainforest where comfortable place to breed. 

       Other than that, because of the comfortable environment where uninhabited by human has made them able to live in a good condition and it able breed without disruption from human. Furthermore, golden lancehead will breed on a wet season and mostly in a mid-April because it is suitable month for the snake to find their mates and it able to produce until 50 eggs each time in every year while it can make the population of golden lancehead increase. 

      Unfortunately, scientist has done a research about the snakes poison and they have found that the poison of golden lancehead snakes able to cure many disease which is heart disease, circulation and blood clots. From that, the snakes was been hunting by human to sale or import on the black market to gain their profit and price for one snake can fetch thousands of dollars. Moreover, this has been affect the population of snakes and it has been decreased during 2002 but it still managed as a dangerous island in the world.

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